FEBRUARY - "The time when skies are free from cloud..."
The time when skies are free from cloud, Though still the robin whistles loud In the bare garden croft, The catkin, on the hazel tree, Mistakes for summer flower the bee... FEBRUARY BY GEORGE WALTER THORNBURY Stempster skies On the 25th February, my son sent recordings of the birds around him at the foot of his French mountain. He lives there with his wife and daughter, aged three, who benefits enormously from the beautiful countryside. One thousand and twelve miles away, as the crow flies, I heard the skylarks as Ginny and I walked the dogs on the same day. Ginny and Judith heard them for the first time this year when they walked the dogs the day before. So many hopeful songs just now! The early mornings are joyous with the chorus of birds around us. And it's not only their song which fascinates. Their antics intrigue me too. Apart from Bob Robin, who has yet to introduce me to his mate, the regulars are coming in their couples to feed - both on the ground and at the feeding stati...